
We are here to win. We are going to solve human loneliness after a break-up using advanced linguistic machine learning models on a modern and fun platform. Or, we are just a scam. Who knows ?

Tech stack

  • Firebase 
  • Javascript
  • Vue.js
  • Quasar Framework
  • Python (pytorch, numpy) 
  • Golang


Welcome to tynr.io, your number one source for all things about failing relationships. We’re dedicated to giving you the very best of a social experience, with a focus on anonymity, freedom of expression, privacy and simplicity.

Back Story

Founded in 2021 by some guys in the internet, tynr.io has come a long way from the conception of the idea since its final execution. We believe that our most valuable asset is the privacy of our users that enables them to express themselves however they like. We have designed a platform that anonymizes your data and does not keep logs of user actions other than the data that you are contributing yourself by actually performing tasks inside the platform, such as commenting or posting.


The platform and the people behind it are here for the long run. We are constantly losing thousands of dollars each month to keep the platform running and be scalable even to million of users. We have already created roadplan and we will do our best to stick to it. We are adding new features every week, sometimes even every day. Some of them are subtle and nobody will notice but some are bigger and meaningful to the community of people that daily visits the platform. No matter what, it’s going to be a hell of a ride.

Sincerely, The Crypto Fairies 🧚


Tynr.io is an anonymized social platform for relationship stories

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  • Not actively hiring at the moment. Follow us on social media for contract opportunities!