Frequently Asked Questions is an anonymized social network experience that enables people from all over the globe to share their break-up stories. Based on data that our users provide we are able to create graph like connections between our users and match them with people that have shared a similar break-up story. does not collect personalized user data. All data that are collected and processed from the platform are anonymous and certain steps are taken to completely anonymize data so that users using the platform cannot be tracked. We are generating large amounts of noise so that user actions and noise are indistinguishable from each other. For more information you can read our Privacy page.

On you can:
✅ Browse the platform and read stories that other users have posted.
✅ Interact with users’ stories by liking or commenting.
✅ Match with other users based on your interactions with the platform.
✅ Communicate with matched users via video calling or private messaging.
✅ Earn digital coins backed by the Ethereum blockchain for every interaction that you’re making in the platform. 

Since we are operating in a rapid growth model there are occasions that certain features of the platform may be broken or misbehaving. If such a scenario arises, please make sure to notify us on

You can use without interacting it. There is absolutely no obligation to produce or interact with content in the platform. Upon your first visit in the platform you are going to be provided with an anonymous identity that you can use to browse around and read break-up stories from people all-over-the-globe. 

User harssment has no place in We embrace a clean environment policy and we are very proactive regarding our users’ security. If you are being actively harassed or have been harassed in the past please do the following:
🔹Note the username of the user that is harassing you.
🔹E-mail this identity and a very small description of the incident to .
🔹You are not required to include your personal information in the e-mail. In fact, you are encouraged to not disclose any of this information.

About is an anonymized social platform for relationship stories

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